Oldweb/Classic Web

The internet used to be such an interesting place. It was like endlessly crawling through other people's scrap books and finding all kinds of interesting content created by actual humans. These days most of the web seems to be bright white corporate pages made by bots (or lame humans) that's nothing but square images with click-baity titles made to be easy to mash on a phone. Gross!

There is still an actual web out there, the problem is that none of the search engines will find it for you. In fact good luck getting them to find any of it even with some incredible trickery.

Seriously. I spent two days trying every single search engine I could find and every one acted the same; spitting out the same 10-20 top websites, most of them selling you something, making finding real websites virtually impossible.

The only one I've found that actually works is Wiby, and that's because it only finds websites that are very basic and low-bandwidth.

There are also a couple of tricks when using Google, Yahoo, etc... On Google you can use advanced search options to restrict the search to specific years. That's great if you want to see old version of pages, but not so great if you want to find websites that are still active & created by a non-corporate human. So the other thing I've discovered is that if you put in your search topic followed by "fansite" you will get a few more decent results.

I am constantly looking to grow this collection and/or list of tips. If you have anything at all to contribute to them please email me.

GifCities An archive of classic web animated gifs
Active vintage websites, old webpages, and web 1.0
Brisray webring list A list of modern, active webrings for all kinds of things!